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491 米移民局 共産党員の不受理


2020年10月2日 PA-2020-16


件名: 全体主義政党の会員に基づく不受理





このガイダンスは、ポリシーマニュアルの第 8 巻に含まれており、このトピックに関する関連する事前ガイダンスを管理し、置き換えるものとする。


• 共産党または他の全体主義政党への加盟または所属に基づく不受理の根拠、およびそのような組織への加盟または所属に関するUSCISの決定に関するガイダンスを提供する。

• 許容範囲の判断の詳細な概要、証拠と証明の立証責任、適用される例外と免除に関するガイダンスを提供する。


第8巻:許容度、パートF、国家安全保障と不受理の関連根拠、第3章、全体主義党の移民会員[8 USCIS-PM F.3]。

1 INA 212(a)(3)(D)(全体主義政党の移民会員)を参照してください。2 INA 212(a)(3)(セキュリティおよび関連する根拠)を参照してください。

October 2, 2020 PA-2020-16

Policy Alert

SUBJECT: Inadmissibility Based on Membership in a Totalitarian Party


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is issuing policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to address inadmissibility based on membership in or affiliation with the Communist or any other totalitarian party.


The inadmissibility ground for membership in or affiliation with the Communist or any other totalitarian party1 is part of a broader set of laws passed by Congress to address threats to the safety and security of the United States.2 In general, unless otherwise exempt, any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible to the United States. This ground of inadmissibility only applies to aliens seeking immigrant status, such as aliens inside the United States applying to adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident.

This guidance, contained in Volume 8 of the Policy Manual, is controlling and supersedes any related prior guidance on the topic.

Policy Highlights

Provides guidance regarding the ground of inadmissibility based on membership in or affiliation with the Communist or any other totalitarian party, and USCIS determinations on membership in or affiliation with such an organization.

Provides a step-by-step overview of the inadmissibility determination, as well as guidance on evidence and burden of proof, and applicable exceptions and waivers.


Volume 8: Admissibility, Part F, National Security and Related Grounds of Inadmissibility, Chapter 3, Immigrant Membership in Totalitarian Party [8 USCIS-PM F.3].

1 See INA 212(a)(3)(D) (immigrant membership in totalitarian party). 2 See INA 212(a)(3) (security and related grounds)



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